Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chapters 12 & 13

Chapter 12:

1. Why was Tree-ear amazed by the roof of the palace?

2. What was the reaction of the various guards and servants to Tree-ear's request to Emissary Kim? Why do they react this way?

3. How does Emissary Kim's actions when Tree-ear comes to the palace show that he is a wise and considerate man?

Chapter 13:

1. How does Min tell Tree-ear that he is going to teach him to become a potter?

2. Why is giving Tree-ear a new name such a significant event?

3. Why was the shard of pottery so important to the story?

4. Do you think Tree-ear will make a good potter? WHY?

NOTE: Answer the poll question to the TOP-LEFT of the BLOG***


Anonymous said...


1. Why was Tree-ear amazed by the roof of the palace? Tree ear was amazed by the roof tiles because it was the kind they use to make. Well in other words he thought the roof tiles were amazing because of all the crypts on it.

They react when Tree-ear asks to speak with emissary Kim. They must of thought he was a peasant boy or something so the guards got not Kim but another man that would give the shard to him. Tree-ear many times told the man that this was private and he needed to speak with emissary kim alone.

3. How does Emissary Kim's actions when Tree-ear comes to the palace show that he is a wise and considerate man?

Chapter 13:

1. How does Min tell Tree-ear that he is going to teach him to become a potter? Tree-ear knows he is going to be a potter because when min asks him to get big logs Tree-ear asks what are they for them min tells him we are going to need lots of wood to build another kiln.
2. Why is giving Tree-ear a new name such a significant event? His new name hyung-pil is so significant because there sons name was related to that and ajima gave that name to tree-ear and they adopted him.

3. Why was the shard of pottery so important to the story? It was so important because kang mad this new discovery digging out the clay into a picture so that wont be bumped put of the vase. Also because It was the only shard that didn’t break when the burglars broke all the vases it was the only piece left.

4. Do you think Tree-ear will make a good potter? WHY?I think tree-ear will make a good potter because Tree-ear made a little fired monkey out of clay and it came out perfectly he gave it too Crane-man right before he set off on his journey to songdo.

Anonymous said...

1 Because it had celadon roof tiles, it was an enormous task for potters a long time ago.

2 the reaction of them to tree ear's request was at first annoyed because they wanted tree ear to give him th epottery and show the emissary, but he said he would only discuss where it is with emmissary Kim. The reason they reacted this way is they looked at him like an orphan and looked down upon him

3 Emissary Kim was wise because he listened to waht tree ear had to say, and then he concentrated and looked at every detail in the pottery shard.

1 He tells tree ear that he will need a wheel of his own to help Min do his work.

2 Because the new name shared a syllable with the dead son's name and that is an honor.

3 The shard was important because it had the crane on it and that is what Emissary Kim wanted to see, the inlay work, and it won him the commission and also because tree ear was the brave one who got the shard to the palace.

4 yes. Because he learned from Min and he taught the best methods, and he learned patience and he really has the desire to make pottery.

Anonymous said...

R.M. 14
Tree-ear was amazed at the roof palace because he had never seen a celadon roof befor. He also knew that the tiles were made in Ch'ulp'o.
2. The gaurds didn't wan't Tree-ear to come in the palace because they did not beleave that Tree-ear had an apointment with emisary Kim.
3. When Tree-ear showed the shard to Kim he tought he would laugh throw it back. Insted he assigned Min for the royal commision.
4. Min tells Tree-ear when he is telling him to go chop wood. He says," How are you going to help me if you do not have a wheel of your own? And how is the wheel going to be made if you don't fetch logs?"
5. When Ajima gives him the name Hyung-pil that was very importent because their other son was named Hyung-gu. Having a name with the same syilibals as somebody els is reserved only for sibilings.
6.The shard was so importent because when the robbers dropped the two vases Tree-ear went to see if one was not broken. When he saw that both were broken he took the best example of Min's work he could find and gave it to the emmisary. Then Min got promoted.
7. I think that Tree-ear would make a good potter because he made a very good monkey out of clay. MIn even said to Tree-ear that it was very good work.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree EAR was amazed because by the roof of the palace because it was all celadon green tials.

2.The reaction was they didnt let him in right away because he was an ophan and orphans were looked down apon so they had to make sure embassy kim was expecting him.

3. embassy kims actions when tree ear come to the palace are that he is dissipoited because the pots are broken. And that he cant see mins work again.

4. Min tells tree ear that he is going to teach tree ear to become a potter by saying that his monkey is very well done.

5. it is such a significant event because the name they give tree ear was there sons name.

6. the shard of pottery is so important to the story because that is how min gets his commision and it is a word in the title.

7.I bileve tree ear will become a good potter because when tree ear molded the monkey the potting master min said that it was very good. i also bileve he will because he watched min throw pots many times.


Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace Emissary Kim was stationed at because of the tiles.
The tiles he thought might have just been a myth or a rummor. I saw the small detail work of each and every single tile.
2. I think the gaurds were kind of shocked. He looked like a mere pesant, but then when he said so firmly, that he wanted to see Emissary Kim. They felt like they were wrong. They were to me shocked.
3. Emissary Kim shows that he is a wise considerate man by, telling me to sit down at the low table with him. That I feel is important because back then pesants were condisederd below the socail standers. He is also wise when Tree-ear says that only brought a single shard. Emissary Kim doesn't react much he just nods his head politely and asks to look at it. He is so talented that he could diecide whether or not to give Min a comission.
4. Min tells Tree-ear that he's going to teach him how to make a pot by, saying large wood the size of a man's girth. Then saying well I need help for the comission so we nedd to make you a wheel. Tree-ear knew right away he was going to through vases on his own wheel.
5. Gving Tree-ear the name Hung-pil is very important because that means they are taking him in as family. Also they have the same sylable. In Korenan culture having the same sylable as someone ment you were bothers. So now that said certanly Tree-ear was not an orphan anymore. He had a real family.
6. The single shard i believe is so important because ofthe shard Min got a comission. Tree-ear got to start trowning pots and he got a family. Ajima got someone to be her son and s odid Min so he wasn't so crabby and rude. Also i think the shard is there to hold the place of the second biggest thing in the story. THe robbers taking his pots and smashing them making the single shard.

Anonymous said...

1) Tree ear was amazed by the roof tiles because they were celadon roof tiles with very intricate and precise designs on them. Also because people in Ch'ulp'o used to make them before his time.

2) The reaction of the guards was that they were surprised and annoyed that Tree ear rejected them in saying that he would bring the shard to Emissary Kim by himself.

3) Tree ear could see that Kim was a wise and considerate man by watching his calligraphy on page 135 and 136. It says that "He was writing rapidly on a scroll, the brush racing across the paper, leaving behind a trail of perfectly formed characters.

4) Min tells Tree ear that he is going to make him be a potter is when Ajima tells Tree ear that he is her son. This means that Min will teach him because Min said that he will only teach his son how to make a pot. Now he is his son so he will be taught.

5) Giving Tree ear a new name is such a big deal because since his son died and they are adopting him with a one syllable is a very big deal and doesn't have a orphan name anymore.

6) I think Tree ear will make a good potter because Min has taught him all of the techniques of pottery. So now Tree ear will have a big advantage against the other future potters.

Anonymous said...

REF#6 May 11th
1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace because it was made by clay tiles.

2. The reaction of the various guards to Tree-ear comment to see
Emissary Kim was “This scrawny scarecrow of child claims a royal appointment?” The guards probably thought this because his close might have been ripped because of his long journey and getting jostled around by robbers. Also maybe because he hasn't had a real meal in weeks.

3. Emissary Kim’s actions showed that he was a wise and considerate man because he examined the shard and said that is showed all of master Min’s talent and he gave Min the commission.

1. Min tells Tree-ear he is going to teach him to make a pot by scolding him and saying that he needs to do more work so he could make a wheel for Tree-ear.

2. Giving Tree-ear a new name was a significant event because his new name was almost the same as Ajima’s old son representing that he was part of their family now.

3. The single shard was a important part of the story because it was that piece that gave Min the commission leading to Min teaching Tree-ear to throw a pot.
4. Yes, I think Tree-ear would make a good potter because he has the time and patients and he is a good worker.

Anonymous said...

1) Tree-ear was amazed at the roof of the palace because it was made of celadon green tiles and it is hard enough to produce one piece of celadon green tile and the entire roof was made of it and the roof was big.

2) The reaction of the gaurds at the palace was that they wanted nothing to do with Tree-ear. They acted like this because the emassary was busy and they did not want to bother him.

3) When Tree-ear comes in to emassary Kim, Kim shows that he is wise and considerate even though Tree-ear had no backpack or anything to carry the pottery that he was exspecting, he waited and listened to Tree-ear before shunning him off. That is how he recieved the single shard and gave Min the commision.

4) Tree-ear knows that Min is going to show him how to be a potter because he says to go get wood so that he could make him a spinning wheel of his own. The trowing wheel is one of the essential parts that you need to make simmetrical pottery like Min. If it is going to be Tree-ear's spining wheel, he is going to have to know how to use it and have a reason to use it.

5) Giving Tree-ear a new name is significant because
the new name he was given had a same syllable as Min and Ajima's old son. That was a sign of being a younger sibling in 11th century Korea and Tree-ear had been a sybling-less orphan his entire life. Now he was being considered a brother and a son.

6) The single shard was so important to the story because it represented all of Min's talent in one piece and that is why Min got the the commission. If Min had not gotten the commission he might not have taken in Tree-ear after Crane-man died.

7) I do think Tree-ear will make a good potter because throughout the entire book he has tried nothing but his hardest at everything and he has studied Min for a long time at making pottery. He most likely will give becoming a potter his best and he is already very good at making pottery. So yes Tree-ear will make a good potter in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

1.The roof tiles of the palace amazed tree-ear because they were celadon and they were made in Chu’po
2.all the guards and servants’ reactions to Tree-ear were impatient because they thought that he was just a little kid and he didn’t have anything to say
3.Emmisary Kim shows that he is a wise and considerate man when he doesn’t turn Tree-ear down even after Tree-ear says that the pots broke
4.Min says that Tree-ear needs to cut down large logs and then he says that they need to make a wheel for Tree-ear
5. Min’s dead son was named Hyung-gu and Tree-ear’s new name was Hyung-pil and it is a great honor for siblings to have the same syllable
6.the shard of pottery was so important because it was all Tree-ear had to show the Emmisary
7.I think Tree-ear will make a good potter because he is dedicated

Anonymous said...

1.Tree-ear was amazed because they were the celadon green that was prized by the potters.
2.They were surprised because he was an orphan and orphans were looked down upon.
3. Instead of yelling at Tree-ear, he took the shard and examined it. He understood that something had happened to the pot.
4.He tells Tree-ear to go get wood the size of men and Tree-ear realizes that he will be making a throwing wheel.
5.It meant that he was part of their family and that he would be treated as such.
6.Without it the emissary would not have given the commission and Tree-ear would not be part of Min's family but he would live on his own.
7.Yes because he was the one I think that made the Thousand Cranes Vase.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof because the tiles were very special. "Before his time, potters in ch'ulp'o had been engajed in the enormous task of making those very tiles."
2. The guards reaction was that he was that there was no possible way he could have an oppointment with emessary Kim and they did not take him seriously they wanted to see the work for proof. They acted this was because he was an orphan boy and it was easy to see that through what he wore and he was a kid why would a kid be doing somthing so important and seriouse is what they thought.
3. Emmesary Kim's actions show that he is a conseterate and wise man because he did not judge tree-ear by his looks he waitd to see what he had brought to him and likesd it then sent him on a boat ride home. he did not judge Tree-ear by the way he lives or dresses he is wise and consiterate because of that.
4.Min tells tree-ear that he is going to treat him to be a potter because when crane-man dies and Tree-ear goes back to work the day after he finds out he thinks he is chopping wood for the kiln but min tells him he is chopping wood for his own pottery wheel because he can't make everything for the emmisary himself so Tree-ear finds pout Min is going to teach him to becone a potter.
5. giving Tree-ear a new name is such a signifigant event because there naming him like he is there son and they name him after there old son they are making Tree-ear part of the familey.
6. The shard of pottery was so important in the story because it is what gave Min the commision job. If Tree-ear did not bring the "Single Shard" to the emmisary Min would never have the comision and Tree-ear would have never learned how to become a potter.
7. I do think Tree-ear will make a good potter because he has observed min for so long and has picked up the skills. He is also very confident in himself and will push himself to succeed.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roofs of the palace, because he was amazed how that in Songdo they had these celadon tiles. It might be because Tree-ear is very poor so that he doesn't really know how the rich life is.
2. The reaction of the guards and servants were mean. That thought that never would a little boy have such a big job. They thought that he was dumb so if they gave Tree-ear an excuse of why emissary Kim can't see him, but Tree-ear was taught well and knew that he was just trying to get him to leave. They reacted this way because the people could see by his clothes and maybe the way he looks that he is not a boy from a wealthy family.
3. Emissary Kim is wise because he knows that Tree-ear has came really far and he knows that Min must of done good work because you can see he likes it.
4. Min tells Tree-ear that he is going to become a potter when he got back from Songdo. He tells Tree-ear to chop some wood, and Tree-ear just froze and then Min told him to chop wood if he wants to have his own wheel.
5. Tree-ears name is a big event because where they live people really care about their kids name, and they give their first kids names with only one syllable for a reason of luck.
6. I think Tree-ear will become a good potter because he molded things really well so he will be able to make things like that but it will be easier. Also Tree-ear always watches Min to try to follow what he does. He is good at following what people do so he might be good.

Anonymous said...

4. The shard of pottery is important to the story because the shard is how Min got his commission to work for the emissary.

Anonymous said...

PP 22

1. He was amazed because thee rooof had tiles on it and these tiles were made by potters in Ch'ulp'o.
2. There reaction is that in the book it says"This scrawny scarecrow of a child claims a royal emission". they react this way because Tree ear is an orhan that doesn"t look good.
3. His actions were that he was dissapointed and did not think that aperson like that would work for Min. Also he bows to him and is proper plus he trveled along way.
4. He told him by this by saying of they could name him a similar name of there dead son and if a potter has a son then the son is a potter.
5. It is signifigent event because Tree ear thought it was an honor to be bestowed on silbling.
6. It was important to the story because it help Min get the comission to Kim.
7. I think he will be a good potter because he knows how to mold clay he knows when its ready and he has been observing Min since the beginnig of the book.

PP 22

Anonymous said...


Chapter 12:
1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace because it was made out of celadon roof tiles. It must have been a huge task to face and establish Tree-ear was thinking.
2. The reactions from the servants and guards were that he was way too busy. They also wanted to see the work that Tree-ear brought but he only wanted to show it to the Emissary because it was only a shard. They reacted this way because they didn’t want to disturb Emissary Kim so they wanted to bring the work to him, not let Tree-ear bring it to him himself.
3. It shows that Emissary Kim is a wise and considerate man because he actually looked at the shard instead of just waved it away because it wasn’t a full pot. Also, on page 138 it says “radiance of jade and clarity of water -that is what is said about the finest celadon glaze. It is said of very few pieces.”…….”I say it of this one. And the inlay work…..remarkable.”
He took the time to look at the work because he knew that Min was an excellent potter.
Chapter 13:
1. Min tells Tree-ear that he is going to teach him to become a potter by screaming for Tree-ear to cut large logs. Tree-ear wondered why they were so large. It turns out that Min wants Tree-ear to cut the large logs so he can make a wheel for him so he can help Min work because he got a commission.
2. Giving Tree-ear a new name is a significant event because if a name shared the same syllable “it was an honor bestowed on siblings.” For example, Min’s sons name was Hyung-gu, but he died, and they named Tree-ear Hyung-pil. They share the same syllable.
3. The shard of pottery is so important to the story because if there was no shard left, Tree-ear would have failed his journey and Min would not have received a commission from Emissary Kim. The shard also showed Min’s beautiful work that he could do.
4. I think Tree-ear will make a good potter because on the last page it says that the vase was called “Thousand Cranes Vase” and “crane” was in it like Crane-man who was Tree-ears best friend. It also says that the pot was made in Korea where Tree-ear learned how to make a pot, and the pot had a “radiance of jade, clarity of water” which Min put in his work and he taught Tree-ear to make a pot so I think Tree-ear made the magnificent ancient Korean pot. Yes, I do think Tree-ear will make a good potter when he is older.

Anonymous said...

LP #21

1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace because it was made of the fine celadon glaze. Which took potters lots of tries to accomplish in the kiln firing.

2. The various guards were very shocked to see a little orphan boy requesting to see a very powerful emissary. Especially with nothing to show him. So the guards thought of an excuse and told Tree-ear that Emissary Kim was very busy. Except Tree-ear knew that Emissary Kim would be staying in Songdo quite a while.

3. Emissary Kim shows that he is a wise considerate man in chapter 12 because he knows good pottery when he sees it and even though it was just a single shard he knows how long it must have taken Min and how much effort was put into it. Also he knows how far a distance Tree-ear had to travel.

4. The way that Min tells Tree-ear he is going to teach him to become a potter is by telling him the story about Crane-man and how he was cluthing the monkey Tree-ear had made when he died and what fine work it was, and then he told him he should go start making his own wheel.

5. Tree-ear getting a new name is so specil because in Korea it was an honor to be named after your siblings and Tree-ear had been renamed after Ajima and Mins other son. So this meant he was really part of the family now.

6. The shard of pottery was so important to the story because it was what got Min a commision.

7. In my opinion Tree-ear will make a great potter because he has been practicing by molding and he always watched Min very closely so he could do just what he did and be just like him.

LP #21

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear was amazed at the roof of the palace because it was made of celadon tiles. In the book, it says, "How Tree-ear wished he could climb the walls and examine the tiles more closely! Even from where he stood he could make out the intricate relief work." This shows how incredible the tiles on the roof were.
2. The reaction of the guards and servants when Tree-ear requested to see the Emissary was very surprised, I think they were surprised because he's an orphan and they wouldn't expect for a scrawny little orphan to want to see an Emissary.
3. Emissary Kim's actions show that he was a wise and considerate man because even though though there was only a small fragment of the pot Min had made, he still considered it and gave him the commission.
4. Min tells Tree-ear that he is going to teach him to be a potter by telling him he wants big logs. Then, Tree-ear questions him because cutting larger logs to a size that will fit in the kiln and Min tells him they are using the logs to build Tree-ear his own wheel.
5. Giving Tree-ear is a significant event because his new name was Hyung-pil and Min and Ajima's son Hyung-gu. They shared a syllable, an honor awarded to siblings.
6. The shard of pottery was very important to the story because on account of that piece Min got the commission that he'd wanted for most of his life. Without that single shard of pottery there would have been no story.
7. I think Tree-ear would have made a good potter. I think this because earlier in the book, it explained how he felt clay the same way Min did.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree Ear is amazed by the roof of the palace because its so big compared to his village roofs and that it has the designs of pottery.
2. The guards said that the work will be delivered to Kim by someone in the castle because Kim is working and is busy.
3. Kims reactions was that were was his work but when Tree Ear showed him the shard he was amazed.
4. Min tells Tree Ear that he is going to teach him potting because after adopting him and renaming him he decides that Tree Ear is his son know that he was adopted by Min.
5. Tree Ear getting a knew name was important because Min and his wife adopted him since Tree Ear is an orphan and its his first real name besides when his parents died.
6. The shard was an important part of the story because it was the only way Tree Ear could show Kim Min's work and he did something nice for Min and his wife.
7. I think Tree Ear will be a great potter because he is learning from his villages best potters and he already knows some of the skills.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace because it had celadon tiles on it which had been made years ago by potters in Ch'ulp'o.

2. The various guards and servants had a skeptical reaction to Tree-ear's request to see Emissary Kim. They reacted this way because they didn't believe a young boy who looked like Tree-ear would have official business with Emissary Kim.

3. Emissary Kim allowed Tree-ear to show him the shard of Min's work. He looked at the shard and could admire Min's skills even though he did not have the full piece to look at. The emissary decided to give Min a commission because of the quality work in the shard. This showed he was a wise and considerate man.

4. Min tells Tree-ear that he is going to teach him to become a potter in a roundabout way. When Min told Tree-ear to go cut some large logs so that a wheel could be made for Tree-ear to throw pots, he realized what Min was saying.

5. Giving Tree-ear a new name was such a significant event because it meant that he would not have an orphan's name anymore and would have a name usually given to siblings.

6. The shard of pottery was so important to the story because the shard showed off Min's pottery skills and also since Tree-ear believed in his master's skills the shard gave Tree-ear the determination and willpower to keep going on his journey to see the emissary.

7. I think Tree-ear would make a good potter because he really wanted to be a potter and he didn't mind working hard to make a piece of pottery perfect.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I voted no, teehee
1. Tree-ear was amazed by the roof of the palace because it was made of tiles with celadon glaze on it. Tree-ear loves the glaze because of its green color.
2. The soldiers might not believe Tree-ear because he is just a boy so they act like he is crazy. But the emissary told the guards what they would hear from him so they let him in.
3. When the assistant trys to pull Tree-ear out the door because he only has a single shard the emissary stands up and lets Tree-ear go because he knows Min’s work is fantastic so he would like to see the shard.
4. When Min is scolding Tree-ear he tells him how is he to teach Tree-ear to make pottery if he does not get wood for a new wheel. Tree-ear does not care that Min is yelling at him because he is getting a new wheel.
5. Giving Tree-ear a new name is a big event because it basically means that he is with them now and he is not an orphan. He likes Hyung-pil because it is not the name of an orphan and it shared a syllable.
6. The shard of pottery was so important to the story because it is the object that made Min accepted to the commission and if it hadn’t been for the shard the story would have been less interesting.
7. I think Tree-ear will make a TERRIFIC potter because a pottery master is teaching him and Min already said that the monkey was good. He will probably make a lot of molded pottery because he is great at it.

Anonymous said...

Chapter 12
1. tree-ear was amazed by the roof because it had celadon roof tiles. The potters in Ch'ulp'o could not master these tiles, so they were called wasters, and could still be found in the kiln site.
2. Their reaction to tree-ear's request was skeptical. This is because an orphan boy was trying to deliver a piece of art to the palace.
3. Emissary Kim was a wise and considerate man because he said that even the small shard was remarkable and that he's seen min's work before and loved it.

Chapter 13
1. Min tells tree-ear by hinting at first that he liked his monkey that he sculpted. Then Min was saying how much work had to be done and he finally said to tree-ear how would he do all this work if tree-ear did not have a wheel meaning he will have to get tree-ear a wheel.
2. Tree-ear's new name is important because by changing his name makes he part of the family.
3. The shard is so important because he had so much faith in Min's work that he would not give up on getting it to the emissary, and he could have easily given up after him being beat up and the vase being broken by the robbers.
4. Yes I think tree-ear will make a good potter because tree-ear has always wanted to be a potter and he is very committed to his work. Also he is being taught by an amazing teacher.

Anonymous said...

1) Tree-ear is amazed by the roof in the palace because he had never really been in a palcae before because he is poor.

2) the reaction of the guard when Tree-ear asked to speak with him was surprised. He was surprised because Tree-ear is just a little boy and he was asking to see the emissary.

3) Kim's actions when tree-ear went to Kim was considerate because he asked how Tree-ear got there and when tree-ear told Kim he arranged a boat ride back home.

4)Min tells Tree-ear that he is going to be a potter because first he bought him a wheel when he heard that crane man dies.

5) Giving Tree-ear a new name is such a significant event because "Tree-ear" is his orphan name and his new name means that he is in a family.

6) the shard is important to the story because Tree-ear has to deliver the shard to the emissary and that is the main part of the story.

7) Yes i do think that tree-ear will make a good potter because min is going to teach him and min is one of the best potters in Co'ulp'o.
