Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chapters 1 & 2

Chapter 1:

1. How did Tree-ear come to live with Crane-man?

2. How did Crane-man get his name?

3. Ch'ulpo had become an important village. Why was that?

4. Tree-ear and Crane-man were poor, but proud, using text evidence prove this!

Chapter 2:

5. How did Tree-ear propose to repay Min for the loss of the box?

6. Masters had a duty towards thier employees. What was this duty?


Anonymous said...

Tree-ear came to live with crane-man becasue when Tree-ear was two his parents both got a fever and died. They took blood to see who would have simaler blood tests and Crane-man had the closest blood type so Tree-ear went to live with crane-man.

Anonymous said...

Crane man got his name becasue when crane man was born he had a shriveled and twisted calf and the doctors didnt think he would survive. Since he had on leg people said that he was like a crane, and also a crane is a sybol of long life.

Anonymous said...

1 Tree ear came to live with Crane man because Tree ear's parents died when he was young. A man took Tree ear to this village to live with the man's uncle . But the uncle did not live there any more. The man brought Tree ear to the monks but the monks were sick so the man let crane man take care of tree ear for the time being. When the monks came to take tree ear tree ear wanted to stay with crane man.
2 Crane man got his name because at birth he only had one good leg and walks on one leg. So they named him crane man because cranes stand on one foot.
3 Chulpo is an important village because of all their fine pottery.
4 These two are poor and proud because on page 5 and 6 it states that they get their food in a fair way, not stealing but working for it.
5 Tree ear proposes to repay Min by working for Min for nine days.
6 The masters duty to their employees is they have to provide their employees with a meal.

Anonymous said...

Ch'ulpo had become an important city becasue of its location and soil.It has the easiest sea route northward and to plentiful trade with china.

Anonymous said...

REF #6
1: Tree-ear came to live with cran-man because Tree-ear's parents died of fever and a monk sent Tree-ear to live with his uncle but his uncle moved so they took him to a temple but fever was going around so they took Tree-ear to Cran-man.

2: Cran-man got his name because he grew up with a disability and he only has 1 leg and crans ussaly stand on 1 leg.

3: Ch'ulpo became a important village because potters setteld in the village and made great pottery.

4: Tree-ear and Cran-man are poor but proud because in the book they say that stealing and begging makes you no better than a dog. This shows that even though their poor they will get food and thing that will help them to survive they will get it by asking and they will take no as a answer.

5:Tree-ear proposed to repay Min by saying that he would work for him as long as it takes to repay Min.

6: Tree-ears duty that he had to do for Min was he had to colect wood for the kiln.

Anonymous said...

Tree-ear and Crane man were poor but proud beacuse they are alays joking around. For example on page 1 crane man says to tree ear "Eh, Tree Ear have you hungered well today?" By saying this crane man is joking around becasue they cant really afford that much food.

Anonymous said...


Tree-ear repayed min for the broken boxes bye deciding to work for him. When he worked for him tree-ear would collect fire wood for the kiln.

Anonymous said...

The duty that masters have towrds employees (in Mins case) is to pay the employee. Min payed Tree-ear by feeding him in the middle of the day.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because on pages 8 and 9, it says, “Crane-man had learned but little from the man who had brought Tree-ear to the bridge. The man had been paid by a kindly monk in the city of Songdo to bring Tree-ear to the little seaside village of Ch’ulp’o.” Before that, Tree-ears parents died from fever, and he became an orphan. The monk knew about an Uncle in Ch’ulp’o and when the travelers arrived, the Uncle didn’t live at the house anymore, it was abandoned for a long time now. “He took Tree-ear to the Temple on the mountainside, but the monks had been unable to take the boy in because fever raged there as well.” Some villagers told the men to take Tree-ear to the bridge because Crane-man lives under there and he would take care of him until the Temple was free of the sickness. But when someone came to get Tree-ear, he held on to Crane-man’s good leg so he wouldn’t leave, and he didn’t.
2. Crane-man got his name because on page 7 it says that when he was born and they saw his leg, they didn’t think he was going to make it, but he did. He went through life on one leg, and he looks like a crane. That is how he got the name Crane-man. He also got the name because cranes are a symbol of long life, and Crane-man outlived his whole family.
3. “Ch’ulp’o had become an important village for ceramics by virtue of both its location and its soil. On the shore of the Western Sea, it had access both to the easiest sea route northward and to plentiful trade with China. And the play from the village pits contained exactly the right amount of iron to produce the exquisite gray-green color of celadon so prized by collectors.”
4. Tree-ear and Crane-man were poor but proud. For example on pages 5 and 6 it says “Tree-ear had learned from Crane man’s example. “Foraging in the woods and rubbish heaps, gathering fallen grain-heads in the autumn – these were honorable ways to garner a meal, requiring time and work. But stealing and begging, Crane-man said, made a man no better than a dog.”
5. Tree-ear proposed to repay Min for the loss of the box by saying “Honorable Potter? Sir? Could I not work for you for payment? Perhaps my help could save you time…?” He said on page 18.
6. The duty the Masters had towards their employees was they had to provide a midday meal for them. For example, on page 33, it says, “it was the master’s duty to provide a meal for them in the middle of the workday.”

(The last question was in chapter three.)

Anonymous said...

CH 1. Tree-ear comes to live with crane man when the book says that Tree-ear shared the space under the bridge with Crane man- or crane man shared it with him.

2. Crane man got the name Crane man because he only had one leg which is kind or like a crane.

3. Ch'ulp'o had become an inportant village because for it's ceramics by virtue of it's location and soil.

4. Tree-ear and Crane man were poor, but proud because they didn't steal they gathered food in a good way. For example on pages 5-6 Tree-ear had learned this from Crane man he foraged in the woods and would gather fallen grain- heads in the Autum like rubbish heaps.

5. Tree-ear proposes to repay Min for the loss of the box by saying ''It would be a great honer for me to continue working for you'', then Min said ''I cannot pay you'', after that the book said I cannot pay you was the same as yes.

6. The duty that masters had to do for their employees was that they had to ''fill the tarp.''

Anonymous said...


Chapter 1
1.Tree ear came to live with crane man because he was an orphan.For example on page 7 Crane Man stated that Tree ear was an orphan and had no parents because his parents died of fever and the Monks at the temple could not take him because of fever raged in the temple so the Monks said that he had to live under the bridge where Crane Man could care for him.

2.Crane Man got his name because he was born with a disibility with his leg.For example page 7 states that Crane Man was not going to make it because of his leg and because he can not use it he is like a crane standing on one foot.

3.Ch'ulpo became an important village because it had the easiest trading route and had the exquisite gray and green celadon color clay.

4.Tree ear and Crane Man were both poor yet proud because they were able to survive themselves,for example on page 9 the book says that "If there was more to having a home than Crane Man and the bridge,Tree ear had neither knowledge nor need of it".

Chapter 2
5.Tree ear proposed to repay Min for the loss of the box by asking Min if he could work to repay Min because Tree ear had no money to pay for it.

6.Masters had a duty towards their employees.This duty was to give the employee food.For example page 33 states that Tree ear had forgotten apprentices, assistance, the lowliest worker was to provide a meal for them.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree - ear came to live with Crane - man when he was about 2 years old. His parents both died of fever so a monk heard that Tree - ear had an uncle in Ch'ulp'o When the travelers arrived with him they found out the house was abandoned a long me ago so the travelers brought Tree - ear to the temple, but the temple had fever raging there also, so the villagers told the man that brought Tree - ear to his uncle to go to Crane - man the man under the bridge until fever wasn't raging anymore so Tree - ear could go to the temple. When people from the village came to bring Tree - ear back to the temple he help on to Crane - man's leg and wouldn't let go until the villagers went away.
2. Crane - man got his name because he had a disorder since he was a young kid. This disorder is that he can only walk on one leg, and everyone thought he would die young, but everyone in his family is died and he out lived them. he got the name Crane - man from the bird crane because it stands on one foot and lives a long life.
3.Ch'ulp'o is an important village, because on page 12 it says Ch'ulp'o is an important village because of its location, and also it has good soil. It is on the shore of the Western Sea so it can trade with the Northward and China. The clay has from the village pits has a good gray-green color so it's prized by collectors.
4. Tree - ear and Crane - man are poor but proud because usually poor people steal, but they are proud that they don't steal, and they hunt and for their food. On page 6 and shows that Crane - man said that work is dignity, stealing takes it away. He is saying that working for what you have shows more to you then when you steal you are showing that there is nothing special to you. That quote also shows that Crane - man is very wise and teaches Tree - ear a lot of stuff.
5. Tree - ear asked Min if he could work for Min to repay for breaking the boxes. He had to work for 9 days even though it only took 3 days to make the boxes, and all he did was chop wood when he wanted to help Min with the clay. That was part of the reason that he asked to work for Min.
The masters duty is to give their workers a meal if their working for them. One page 33 Tree - ear was working really hard when he remembered that he got a meal so when he got back to Min's house he Tree - ear told Min he will not work until he gets food showing that he is working for someone so he should be able to get a meal.

Anonymous said...

1. On page 8-9 it states that Tree-ears parents had died of the fever when he was two so a man knew of an uncle who lived in Ch’ulpo but once the man got there the uncle had moved so the man brought tree-ear to a temple on the mountainsides but the monks were unable to take care of Tree-ear because fever raged there. The people there told the man to take Tree-ear under the bridge to Crane-man who they knew would take care of Tree-ear until fever ended but two months later it ended but Tree-ear did not want to leave.
2. Crane-man got his name because he was born without a leg and they had no way to fix it so everyone called Crane-man, Crane-man because he was like a crain and also crane symbolized long life.
3. Ch’ulpo became an important village because of their pottery. Many potters live there and make amazing art. They are especially known for Min’s art. Min is a master at making pottery and he lets everyone look at his art while he makes it because he knows no one will be as skilled as he is.
4. They are poor but proud because they are respectful to others and earn things. Plus Tree-ear works to get food so they really have no problems in life. For example, Tree-ear told the farmer that rice was spilling, in return Tree-ear got the rice that fell to the ground.

5. Tree-ear proposed to min to repay the loss of the box by saying “Honorable potter? Sir? Perhaps my help could save you some time……"

6. A masters duty to an employee is to always feed them mid-day, this is stated on page 33.

Anonymous said...

1.Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because he had been brought to Crane-man as an orphan. Both of Tree-ear’s parents died of fever and a man took him to Crane-man to be cared for until fever had gone away at the temple but after the fever ended, Tree-ear stayed with Crane-man instead of leaving for the temple.

2.Crane-man got his name because when they saw his leg at birth, they thought he would not live. Crane-man learned to walk on one leg and people said he was like a crane because he stood on one leg. Since he outlived all of his family, his name was also a symbol of long life.

3.Ch’ulpo had become an important village because of its location and soil for ceramics. It had good access to China and the clay from the village pits had the exact amount of iron needed to make the gray-green color of celadon.

4.Tree-ear and Crane-man were poor, but proud and since they couldn’t work, they had to get food to eat in the most honest way. They would go through the woods and garbage to get grain or food instead of stealing or begging for it. On page 6 the author wrote, “…gathering fallen grain-heads in the autumn-these were honorable ways to garner a meal, requiring time and work. But stealing and begging, Crane-man said made a man no better than a dog. Work gives a man dignity, stealing takes it away.”

5.Tree-ear proposed to repay Min for the loss of the box by working for him as a helper with his pottery.

6.Masters had a duty towards their employees to make sure the employees understood what work they were doing and how long the work would last.

Anonymous said...

LP #21

1. The reason Tree-ear lives with Crane-man is because Tree-ears parents died from a Fever, and so he came to live in Ch'ulp'o with his uncle. Little did he know his uncle had moved somewhere else and his house was now abandoned. Next they tried the temple to see if they could take young Tree-ear but Fever raged there as well. Their next option for a place for Tree-ear to live was under the bridge where a man named Crane-man would care for him at least thats what the villagers had said. Sure enough it was true because after the temple had been cleared of sickness a monk from the temple came to fetch Tree-ear but Tree-ear clung to Crane-mans leg because he did not want to leave. This means Tree-ear stayed with Crane-man and lived with him under the bridge.

2. The way Crane-man got his name was when he was born, he was born without one leg, no one thought he would survive but yet he did, he ended up outliving his whole family. The resemblence between him and a Crane is that a Crane sometimes stands on one leg and also Cranes are a symbol of long life.

3. Ch'ulp'o is an important village for ceramics by virtue of both its location and its soil. It has access to both the easiest sea route Northward and it has plentiful trade with China. Also the clay from the village pits contained exactly the right amount of iron to produce the exquisite gray-green color of celadon so prized by collecters.

4. Tree-ear and Crane-man are poor, but they are proud because they can be honest for example, on page 5 after Tree-ear tells the man his rice is falling out of his bag the man says, "Good deserves good urchin" this means since Tree-ear was kind and honest and told the man there was a hole in his bag he got to have the leftover rice for supper.

5. The way Tree-ear proposed to repay Min the potter for the loss of his box was by offering to repay him in help so he would have time to make a new box. Min then makes Tree-ear work for nine days chopping wood for the kiln to pay off his debt.

6. The duty the master's have towards their employees is they have to feed them a mid-day meal since they aren't paying their employees in money. This way they will work for somthing instead of nothing at all.

LP #21

Anonymous said...

PP 22

Tree Ear came to live with crane man by Tree Ear being an orphan who's family gave them to monks. But the monks village had a fever going around so they brought Tree Ear to crane man to take care of him. But when the monks fever went away Tree Ear didn't want to go. So he stayed
2. Crane man got his name by when he was younger his leg was disformed and could only use one. Cranes look like that they have one leg also they live really long. Crane man lived out his family.
3. Ch'ulp'o a very is a important village ceramics by virtue also it's soil. also it has th easiest sea route in the western sea for trade.
5. Tree ear proposed to min by say your honorable sir in the beginning of every sentence. He did this because min is a potter master the village they live in is a pottery making town known to the best potters so everybody respects them.
4. They were poor but proud because they did not beg they look for it in the rubbish instead of asking for it.
6. There master has to reward an employee after the end of the day a dinner for there hard work.
PP 22

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because his parents had died of the fever and the monks at the temple said the fever raged there too. The people with Tree-ear knew that Crane-man would take care of Tree-ear.
2. Crane-man was born with only one good leg and cranes stand on one leg. Also, cranes are a symbol of long life and Crane-man out-lived his entire family.
3. Ch'ulpo became an important village because they had a lot of potters and pottery was like a treasure.
4. On page #6 it says, "But stealing and begging, Crane-man said, made a man no better than a dog.
5.Tree-ear said he would work and pay Min with labor instead of money because he had no money.
6. The master's duty to the apprentice is to provide them with a mid-day meal.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because both of his parents had died many years before because of some kind of fever.

2. Crane-man got his name because since he was born with an inability to use his leg, he only has one good leg and cranes sometimes stand on one leg. He also has lived longer than the rest of his family and a crane is a sign of long life.

3. Ch'ulpo had become an important city because in that village there were many master potters so the village was known for there pottery.

4. Tree-ear and Crane-man are poor but proud. For example on page 6 Tree-ear was very proud to earn the bag full of rice that the man had dropped from his Jiggeh.

5. Tree-ear repayed Min for the box by working for Min for 9 days of hardworking labor by chopping the wood and bringing it down to the kiln.

6. The masters duty was to provide a middle day meal for the workers or employees to keep them energized.
DM #15

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because both of his parents had died many years before because of some kind of fever.

2. Crane-man got his name because since he was born with an inability to use his leg, he only has one good leg and cranes sometimes stand on one leg. He also has lived longer than the rest of his family and a crane is a sign of long life.

3. Ch'ulpo had become an important city because in that village there were many master potters so the village was known for there pottery.

4. Tree-ear and Crane-man are poor but proud. For example on page 6 Tree-ear was very proud to earn the bag full of rice that the man had dropped from his Jiggeh.

5. Tree-ear repayed Min for the box by working for Min for 9 days of hardworking labor by chopping the wood and bringing it down to the kiln.

6. The masters duty was to provide a middle day meal for the workers or employees to keep them energized.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with crane-man because his parents both dided of fever so a monk took him to the monks and they had fever so the took him to his uncle that was living in Ch'ulpo but apparently he had moved. So, despertly, they took him to the wise Cane-man under the brige. Crane-man would raise him and when it was time for Tree-ear to leave Crane-man, he did not want to go so he stayed.

2. Crane-man got his name because he was born with a leg that was disabled and mis-shapen so he spent a lot of time on one foot and cranes, like flamingos, spend a lot of time on one leg.

3. Ch'ulpo had become a important village because many great potters lived and worked there and they made the finest works of pottery fit for royalty.

4. Tree-ear and Crane-man are poor but proud because they do not beg, steal, or do any harm to anthing. An example of this if found on page 6. It states "But stealing and begging. Crane-man said, made a man no better than a dog." This page also contains the words that Crane-man said "Work gives a man dignity, but sealing takes it away."

5. Tree-ear propsed to pay for the broken pottery not with money because thy had none but with labor and he would work of the dept.

6.The duty masters have towards thier employees is to provied them with a meal.

Anonymous said...

DG 7
1. Tree ear came to live with crane man by a monk bringing tree ear to live with crane man because his parents died. They toke him to crane man under the bridge and saw he was poor and could use one leg and how long he lived there and wanted to join him. This how tree ear came to live with crane man.
2. Crane man got his name by him standing on one leg because of his leg being mest up. Now he can only stand on 1 leg like a crane or a flamingo like to do. He walks with on leg. This is how Crane-man got his name.
3. Ch'ulpo had become an important village because of its soil and its location. On the shore it had routes to both northward and plentiful trade with china. Also the clay had the right amount of iron to produce the exquisite gray green color of celadon so prized by collectors. This is how Ch'ulpo became an important village.
4. Tree ear and Crane man were poor because on page 7 it states Crane man was forced to sell his possessions one by one and had to live under a bridge. This proves that Crane man is poor because he has no home if he lives under a bridge and Tree ear is poor because his parents died and his parents raise money for him but they can no longer do that. They were proud because they could still get food and nothing would separate each other. This proves that Tree ear and Crane man are poor but proud.
5. Tree ear proposed to Min for the lose of the box by telling him that he had no money and wanted to help out to pay for it. He said that because he wants to do what Min is doing so he tries to get closer. This was Tree ear's propose to the lose of Min's box.
6. Masters had a duty towa

Anonymous said...

1. How did Tree-ear come to live with Crane-man?
2. How did Crane-man get his name?
3. Ch'ulpo had become an important village. Why was that?
4. Tree-ear and Crane-man were poor, but proud, using text evidence prove this!
Chapter 2:
5. How did Tree-ear propose to repay Min for the loss of the box?
6. Masters had a duty towards thier employees. What was this duty?
1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man when Tree-ear was a baby and his parents had died, so he was living in a temple but there was sickness in the temple. So the monks took him to Chu'po where his uncle supposedly lived. the uncle had moved and there was sickness in Chu'po's temple too so they took him to stay with Crane-man until the sickness was gone, but when it was gone Tree-ear wouldn't go and he stayed with Crane-man
2. Crane-man got his name when he was born with one leg and cranes stood on only one leg. Also a crane means life and everybody thought Crane-man was going to die but he outlasted all of his family.
3.Chu'po was an important village because it was a pottery village with many potters, so it could make pottery for other villages.
4. on page 4 tree-ear thinks about how Crane-man always says they are poor but proud because they don't beg or steal
5. Tree-ear proposed to pay Min back for the broken box by working for Min until Tree-ear has paid off what he owes, but secretly Tree-ear just wants to learn how to make a pot
6. The duty that masters have towards their employees was that they had to provide dinner.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Question 1;Tree Ear came to live with Crane-man because Tree-Ear's perents died of fever so he was sent to a monk temple but the leader of the monk temple told the monk to bring him to another monk temple near where crane-man lived. But when the monk got there they had the fever too and the monks there told the monk to bring tree ear back when the fever was gone but in the mean time they told him to bring him to crane-man under the bridge. Went away the monk came to get tree-ear but tree-ear clung to crane-mans good leg like a monkey. Question 2. Crane-man got his name because when he was born he had a leg that wouldn't work they thought he would die for sure but as he went through life with one leg they called him crane-man because cranes only use one leg. Question 3;It became an important village because both for its location and the soil. It could trade with China and the village had the perfect clay that was green-gray color prized by collectors. Question 4; Tree-ear and crane-man were poor but proud because on p.g. 6 it says ''work gives a man dignity,stealing takes it away" which means that the poor shouldn't steal they should work to get money. Question 5; To repay Min tree-ear said he would work for min. then min said 'It took me three days to make the box , so you will work for me for nine days. Tree ear agreed and min Told him to gather wood from the mountains. After a few days tree-ear started collecting clay at the river. Question 6;The masters duty towards their employees is too provide a mid-day meal. JCL#12

Anonymous said...

1. When Tree- ear’s parents died of fever, a monk who knew of an uncle of his took him to that uncle’s house. The house was empty, having been abandoned a time before that. The temple was infected with fever, so the monk took he to Crane-man until there was no more fever going around, but Tree-ear had not wanted to leaved and had clung to Crane-man like” A monkey to a tree.”
2. Crane-man was born with a bad leg, and it was thought he would not live. Instead, he went through life on one leg like a crane, giving him the name Crane-man. Furthermore, cranes are a sign of long life, and Crane-man outlived all of his family members.
3. Ch’ulpo had become an important village because it had access to the Western Sea and from there people could trade with China, and for its ceramics. It was important for his ceramics because the clay in the pits there produced a green-gray color that delighted collectors.
4. Crane- man and Tree-ear were proud because they did not steal or beg, even though if they had done so they may have been able to get away with stealing or be able to get more money by begging, but they where proud and they did not want to lower themselves to have to rely on anybody but themselves for food and any money they get.
5. Tree-ear hoped to repay Min for breaking the box by working for him, for he had no money to pay for the broken pottery. Tree-ear was also hoping that by working for Min, he might learn how to make pots and maybe be a potter someday.
6. Masters’ duty to there employees was to provide them with a meal in the middle of a workday.

Anonymous said...

1.R.M. 14 Tree-ear’s parents died of fever. Monks took Tree-ear to a town called Ch’ulp’o where it is thought that Tree-ear’s uncle lives. But the uncle moved and the monks thought about taking Tree-ear to the temple. But the fever was there to so a man named Crane-man offered to take Tree-ear in.
2. Crane-man was born with a bad leg and everybody thought he was going to die. Instead he lived and walked on one leg which made him look like a crane. Cranes also stand for long life and he outlived his family.
3. Ch’ulp’o is an important village because it is close to China and is next to the ocean so they can trade easily. The town is also known for its great pottery.
4. On page six Crane-man says, “But stealing and begging makes a man no better than a dog.” That shows how even though they’re poor they don’t beg or steal. Instead they forage for food and that makes them proud.
5. When Tree-ear broke the box Min said that he cannot repay him and he wants him to leave. But Tree-ear asks again and Min says yes. So Tree-ear has to work for nine days to pay off for what he broke.
6. Min’s duty is to feed Tree-ear every afternoon. If he didn’t his worker would be hungry and probably complain.

Anonymous said...

1.Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because he is an orphan and when monk brought him to the temple there was a fever going around so they did not want Tree-ear to get sick. they decided that they would retrieve him from Crane-man when the fever had passed. crane-man had been known for living under the bridge and they thought Crane-man could take care of him. When the fever passed and the people from the temple came to retrieve him he clong to Crane-man's good leg and refused. The people from the temple left him to live with Crane-man.
2.Crane-man got his name by having a deformed leg. He was only able to walk on one leg. Cranes only stand on one leg also. Another way he got his name was cranes are known to live long and Crane-man has out lived his whole familey.
3. "Ch'ulp'o had become an important village for ceramics by virtue of both its location and its soil. On th shore of the wesrern sea, it had access both to the easiest seas route northward and to plentiful trade with china. And the clay from village pits contained exactly the right amount of iron to produce the exquisite gray-green color of celadon so prized by collectors
4.Tree-ear and crane man were poor but proud because they worked to get there food they did not beg or steal. For example on pages 5-6 th book states "Tree-ear had learned from Crane-man's example. Foraging in the woods and rubish heaps, gathering grainj heads in the autum- these were honorable ways to garner a meal, requiring time and work. But stealing and begging. Crane-man said, made a man no better then a dog.Work gives a man dignity stealing takes it away he often said."
5. Tree-ear proposed to repay Min for the loss of the box by working for Min.
6. A masters duty toward and employee was they had to provide food to there employee.
S.D. #4

Anonymous said...


Tree ear came to live with crane-man by when tree ear was a baby his mother and father died The monks took tree ear to live with his uncle but his uncle moved out of the village of Chu’lp’o a while back. Then they took Tree-ear to the temple but there was a disease going around. Then the monks took tree ear to live with Crane-man because there was nowhere else to live. Eventually when the disease stopped the monks went under the bridge to find tree-ear and bring him to the temple. Tree-ear didn’t want to go so he clung to Crane-mans leg and stayed with Crane-man.

Crane man got his name by when he was a baby crane man was a baby he had a misshapen leg. Then Crane-man had to have crutches. He is like a crane because he stands on one legs and he outlived his whole family.

Ch'ulpo is a great village because of its fine good pottery and because it’s a place where potters are a little famous.

They are very honorable. They say if you beg for food you are no better than a dog .It comes to show that they are very poor living under a bridge

Tree ear proposed to repay min for the broken bowl by working for min for nine days.

Tree-ears duty was to go and chop some wood to light the kiln to make a fire.

Anonymous said...

1. Tree-ear came to live with Crane-man because both of Tree-ear's parents died of fever. So Tree-ear had to be given to his uncle that the monks thought lived in Ch'ulp'o. Sadly, his uncle had moved out. The monk decided to bring him to the temple, but the temple was infested with fever. Since little kids get sick easier. So a monk told the other monk to bring him to Crane-man that lived under the bridge. Tree-ear spent some time with Crane-man. So that when the monk came to get Tree-ear, Tree-ear held on to Crane-man's good leg until the monk left.
2. Crane-man got his name because when he was born he had a crippled leg. The doctors said he would probably wouldn't live, but he did just with one good leg and a cruch. He also out lived his whole family. Crane's are a sign of long life and they sometimes stand on one foot.
3. Ch'ulp'o is important because it makes many clay objects. It has the right amount of iron in the clay to make a beautiful green. Then they trade the clay objects with China.
4. Tree-ear and Crane-man are poor, but proud because even though they look through rubbish heaps they don't go and steal food. So they still feel like their on the same level as socity.
5. Tree-ear said he would work for Min to help him after he broke the box. Min agreed and said he would work for nine days. Tree-ear was sent to chop wood and bring it to the kiln.
6. Msaters have to feed their employees a midday meal. If they don't do that they have to pay the employees.

Anonymous said...

1. tree-ear came to live with because tree-ear's parents got fevers and died. then they tested
crane-man's blood and it matched tree-ear's.
2. crane-man got his name because before he got his crutch people thought he looked like a crane bird wobbling on his one leg.
3. ch'ulp'o became an important village because both his location and its soil.
4.i know that tree-ear and crane-man were poor but proud because on page 6, he says "Work gives a man dignity, but stealing takes it away."
5. tree-ear repaid Min for braking the boxes by three days of work for Min.
6. a master had a duty towards their employees is they most provide their employe with a meal.